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As a young boy or a girl in your teenage years, finding the first part time job may look like a difficult task. Finding a good job is not easy, even for a grown up to begin with. However, at a time when you do not have any experience working for somebody and you have not gone through any interviews also no idea where to start to write your first resume, finding a part time job can see even impossible. 

How to work on it

 It looks and sound difficult, true, but it is not impossible. You just have to take one single step at a time and with no time you can land the perfect part time job. First you have to work on your resume; you can seek help from CV writing NZ firms. You can also seek help from your parents, but they might say that it’s nothing, you just have to put in what you have done and so on. Also structure of a resume, how you present it etc. might have changed from your parents or even teachers and elder relatives’ time therefore it is best that you work on something which suits today’s day and age.

Don’t think negative 

When you are first starting to write a resume, you may think I do not have any experience nor have I had any practical education regarding a job therefore I need not take a resume because I do not have anything to put on it! However you must have a resume with you. Why? Several reasons; first when you have a paper in your hands, your prospective employer will know that you have put an effort in to finding job. Therefore they will assume that you will put some effort in doing that job as well. Also a resume in paper can show your employer some of your skills, positive points, what your interests are and so on rather than you telling them which may sound like you are bragging. When you put it in paper it’s more concrete.

Now for the actual job hunt 

First you need to make a list of possible places who are hiring. Look for shops or offices which have a reputation of hiring part-time workers. When making the list, you might want to browse the internet and find the addresses and opening hours of those places. If possible, look for a contact in the Human Resource Department. If you can find any email address you can send your resume in advance. If there is a format they are expecting, contact an NZ CV firm to help you prepare it. Do not hesitate to use any type of contacts you may have with a prospective employer. Talk to your teachers, parents, acquaintances, elder relatives anyone you can get hold of.When you have a job, eve part time, you will learn responsibility, time management and so many more other skills. It will definitely be a plus point when you are searching for a job after your school or university years as well.